A string is a data structure that represents a sequence of characters. It is used to store and manipulate text in computer programs. Strings can contain letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces.
A string is a collection of characters that can represent words, sentences, or any text data. It is a fundamental data type in programming languages.
Strings support various operations, including concatenation, substring extraction, searching, and more. These operations are essential for text processing in programming.
Strings are versatile and can store text and character data. String operations are widely used in text processing and manipulation. Strings are a fundamental data type in many programming languages.
Strings may require more memory for longer text. String manipulation can be slow for large strings. Strings are typically immutable in some programming languages, which can lead to performance issues when modifying them frequently.
Strings are used in text processing, data representation (JSON, XML, CSV), encryption, hashing, database operations, and web development.
Strings are often immutable in programming languages, and we have addressed some frequently asked questions about strings.
Strings are essential for text and character data representation and manipulation in programming. They are widely used for various tasks in software development.
Strings support various operations, including concatenation, substring extraction, searching, and more. These operations are essential for text processing in programming.
Question | Difficulty Level |
What is a string in programming? | Beginner |
How do you concatenate strings? | Beginner |
How do you find the length of a string? | Beginner |
Explain the concept of string immutability. | Intermediate |
What is a palindrome string? | Intermediate |
How can you reverse a string in Python? | Intermediate |
What is string interpolation in JavaScript? | Intermediate |
What is the difference between char and varchar in SQL? | Intermediate |
Explain the term "null-terminated string." | Intermediate |
How do you perform case-insensitive string comparison? | Intermediate |
What is a regular expression (regex) for matching email addresses? | Advanced |
Explain the Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) string searching algorithm. | Advanced |
What is Levenshtein distance and how is it used in string comparison? | Advanced |
How do you perform string hashing for efficient string search? | Advanced |
Explain the Boyer-Moore string searching algorithm. | Advanced |
What are string pools in Java? | Advanced |
How do you implement a Trie data structure for string search? | Advanced |
What is string interning in C#? | Advanced |
Explain the concept of character encoding in strings. | Intermediate |
What is the difference between a string and a StringBuilder in C#? | Intermediate |
How can you detect an anagram in two strings? | Intermediate |
What is the role of the strlen() function in C? | Intermediate |
Explain the importance of character encoding in web development. | Intermediate |
How do you find the first non-repeating character in a string? | Intermediate |
What is the LeetCode problem "Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters" about? | Advanced |
Explain the Rabin-Karp string searching algorithm. | Advanced |
What are Unicode and UTF-8 in the context of string encoding? | Intermediate |
How do you implement a regular expression engine in Python? | Advanced |
What is string escaping in JavaScript, and why is it important? | Intermediate |
Explain the Aho-Corasick string matching algorithm. | Advanced |
What is the role of the strrev() function in C? | Intermediate |
How can you remove duplicate characters from a string in Python? | Intermediate |
What is the difference between indexOf() and lastIndexOf() in JavaScript? | Intermediate |
Explain the concept of string slicing in Python. | Intermediate |
What is the K-Complementary String problem, and how do you solve it? | Advanced |
How do you implement string compression using run-length encoding? | Advanced |
What is the difference between a string and an array of characters? | Intermediate |
Explain the concept of string similarity metrics. | Advanced |
How can you implement a string-reversal algorithm without using additional data structures? | Intermediate |
What is the LeetCode problem "Valid Parentheses" about, and how do you solve it? | Advanced |
How do you perform string tokenization in C++? | Intermediate |
What is the LeetCode problem "Longest Palindromic Substring" about, and how do you solve it? | Advanced |
Explain the concept of string formatting in Python. | Intermediate |
How can you implement a case-insensitive search in a string? | Intermediate |
What are escape sequences in C++ strings? | Intermediate |
Explain the difference between a string and a character array in C. | Intermediate |
How do you handle string input in Java using Scanner? | Intermediate |
What is the difference between a string and a list in Python? | Intermediate |
Explain the concept of string hashing and collision resolution. | Advanced |
Yes, a string is a linear data structure.
Strings are used to store sequences of characters.
A string is generally considered a data type and is often implemented as an array data structure of bytes (or words) that stores a sequence of elements, typically characters, using some character encoding.
Text is also called a string because it consists of a sequence of characters like a string.
Each digit in a string is a character, and a character is a single visual object used to represent text, numbers, or symbols.
After the discussion, we concluded that Strings are a simple method to store some textual information, and Strings are an array of characters that terminate with a null character '\0'. The difference between a character array and a string is that, unlike the character array, the string ends with a null character. Apart from this, we have also discussed top theoretical interview questions as well as the top 50 interview coding questions on strings, which will help you tackle interview problems.