Searching Algorithm

A searching algorithm is designed to find a specific item or location within a data structure. It involves systematically examining elements in a dataset to determine whether a particular element matches the search criteria.

Types of Searching Algorithms

Based on the type of search operation, these algorithms are generally classified into two categories:

Sequential Search

Linear Search is defined as a sequential search algorithm that starts at one end and goes through each element of a list until the desired element is found, otherwise the search continues till the end of the data set.

Linear Search Algorithm

Linear Search

How Does Linear Search Algorithm Work?

In Linear Search Algorithm,

Complexity Analysis of Linear Search

Time Complexity:

Auxiliary Space:

O(1), If the recursive call stack is considered then the auxiliary space will be O(logN).

Advantages of Linear Search

Drawbacks of Linear Search

Interval Search

These algorithms are specifically designed for searching in sorted data-structures. These type of searching algorithms are much more efficient than Linear Search as they repeatedly target the center of the search structure and divide the search space in half.

Binary Search

Binary Search

Example of Binary Search Algorithm

Conditions for when to apply Binary Search in a Data Structure:

Complexity Analysis of Binary Search

Time Complexity:

Auxiliary Space:

O(1), If the recursive call stack is considered then the auxiliary space will be O(logN).

Advantages of Binary Search

Drawbacks of Binary Search

Applications of Binary Search

Binary search can be used as a building block for more complex algorithms used in machine learning, such as algorithms for training neural networks or finding the optimal hyperparameters for a model. It can also be used for searching in computer graphics, such as algorithms for ray tracing or texture mapping, and for searching a database.

Basic Difference between Linear Search and Binary Search

Comparison Linear Search Binary Search
Search Algorithm Sequential search algorithm. Algorithm used in a sorted array by repeatedly dividing the search interval in half.
Time Complexity (Average Case) O(N) O(log N)
Efficiency Slower, especially for large arrays. Faster, especially for large arrays.
Data Structure Can be used on arrays of any data type, whether sorted or not. Requires the data structure to be sorted for efficient searching.
Memory Usage Does not require additional memory. Requires O(1) auxiliary space.

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