An array is a collection of items stored at contiguous memory locations. The idea is to store multiple items of the same type together. This makes it easier to calculate the position of each element by simply adding an offset to a base value, i.e., the memory location of the first element of the array (generally denoted by the name of the array).
An array is a collection of elements, each identified by an index or a key. It is a data structure used to store a fixed-size sequential collection of elements of the same type.
Arrays are commonly used in computer programs to organize and manage data. They provide quick access to data elements and are used for various applications.
Arrays have advantages such as fast element access, but they also have disadvantages like a fixed size. Understanding when to use arrays is important in software development.
Assume there is a class of five students, and if we have to keep records of their marks in the examination, then we can do this by declaring five variables individually and keeping track of records. However, what if the number of students becomes very large? It would be challenging to manipulate and maintain the data.
What it means is that we can use normal variables (v1, v2, v3, ...) when we have a small number of objects. But if we want to store a large number of instances, it becomes difficult to manage them with normal variables. The idea of an array is to represent many instances in one variable.
There are majorly two types of arrays:
Question | Difficulty Level |
What is an array? | Beginner |
How do you access elements in an array? | Beginner |
What are the advantages of using arrays? | Intermediate |
What are the disadvantages of arrays? | Intermediate |
How do you find the length of an array? | Beginner |
Explain the concept of multi-dimensional arrays. | Intermediate |
What is the difference between an array and a linked list? | Intermediate |
How do you reverse an array in-place? | Intermediate |
Explain the concept of dynamic arrays. | Intermediate |
How do you remove duplicates from an array? | Intermediate |
What is the time complexity of various array operations? | Advanced |
How do you implement a resizable array? | Advanced |
Explain the concept of sparse arrays. | Advanced |
How do you rotate an array to the right by a given number of positions? | Advanced |
What is a jagged array? | Advanced |
An array is a collection of items of the same data type stored at contiguous memory locations. Ex. int arr[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
Arrays store elements of the same type; they are classified as homogeneous data structures. They can store numbers, strings, characters, boolean values (true and false), objects, and so on.
An array is a linear data structure that stores similar elements in contiguous memory locations.
There are majorly two types of arrays:
An array is a collection of items of the same data type stored at contiguous memory locations, and the elements are stored one after another in memory. An array uses an index system starting at 0 and going to (n-1), where n is its size.
The structure can contain variables of different types, but an array only contains variables of the same type.
An array is a collection of items of the same data type. That means, in an integer array only integer values can be stored, while in a float array only floating values, and character arrays can have only characters. Thus, no array can have values of two data types.
There are multiple advantages of the array data structure, and some of them are:
An array is used when several variables of the same type need to be used, and it can be defined as a sequence of objects of the same type.
A multi-dimensional array can be termed as an array of arrays that stores homogeneous data in tabular form. Data in Multidimensional Arrays are stored in row-major order.
After the discussion, we concluded that arrays are a simple method of accessing elements of the same type by grouping them, and we can find the elements efficiently by their indexes and can perform different operations using them. Thus, they are more efficient when it comes to memory allocation and should be used in all modern programming languages. So, this becomes a favorite topic for the perspective of the interview, and most of the companies generally asked about the problems on the array. For all these reasons, we must have a good knowledge of it.